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Teddington RFC 100 Club

Teddington RFC 100 Club

John Richards9 Sep - 09:24
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July and August 2024 Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the July and August Draws of the Teddington RFC 100 Club.

The lucky winners are:-

July 2024 Winners
£80 - Terence O'Connor
£40 - Spencer Sheen
£40 - Stephen Berry

August 2024 Winners
£80 - Andy Hale
£40 - Rich Sealy
£40 - Toby Everett

If you are not a member already, why not sign up to the TRFC 100 Club.

For a monthly donation of £5, you are entered into the monthly draw with an £80 and two £40 prizes being awarded each month. We currently stand at 87 members. When we hit 100, an additional £40 prize will be added to the monthly draw.

In addition to the monthly draw, we support local charities and make some money for the Rugby Club

To join, click Here to select and buy the 100 Club product.

Small Print:- Please note that there is a one-off £5 set-up fee which is taken with your first monthly payment

Further reading